Mike Hotel & Apartments

Learn Basic Crete Words

Greek Language - Learn Basic Geek Words And Phrases
Basic Greek words and Phrases to use on your Trip in Greece and in the Greek Islands.

Useful in the Restaurants, in the Hotels, in the Shops or anywhere in Greece.

So don't Stand There, Say Something!!!

Common Greek Phases:

Hello Yia sοu
Goodbye a-di-o
Please pa-ra-ka-lo
Thank you ef-ka-ri-sto
You are welcome pa-ra-ka-lo
Yes ne
No o-hi
Hello Yia
Excuse me si-gno-mi
Ι understand ka-ta-la-ve-no
I don't understand den ka-ta-la-ve-no
One moment ena le-pto
Where is the toilet pou i-ne I tu-a-le-ta
Good morning ka-li-me-ra
Good afternoon ka-li-spe-ra
Good evening ka-li-spe-ra
Goodnight ka-li-ni-kta
How much is it? po-so ka-ni
The bill please to lo-ga-ria-smo
I would like tha i-the-la
Enjoy your meal ka-li o-rek-si
I want a drink the-lo e-na po-to
I want a coffee the-lo e-na ka-fe
I want a tea the-lo e-na tsai
Do you speak English mi-la-te ang-li-ka
I don't speak Greek den mi-la-o Elli-ni-ka
What is your name? possele-ne
My name is... me le - ne
How are you? ti ka-nis
I m well i-me ka-la
So and So etsi ke etsi
1 ena
2 dio
3 tria
4 te - se - ra
5 pe - nte
6 eksi
7 epta
8 ohto
9 enea
10 deka
11 e - nte - ka
12 do - de - ka


Greek Language , Greek Phrases to speak


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